Thursday, August 07, 2008

In my devotions this week I read an article from Tabletalk, May 2008 that I have found very interesting. It was about gluttony. I have always related gluttony to food and nothing else. As stated by the author of the article, Chris Donato "In reality, it can apply to toys, television, entertainment, sex or relationships. It is about an excess of anything." He then goes even deeper with the idea and this is what struck me the most.

"Gluttony, or a lack of moderation also leads many of us to demand all things to be exactly the way we want them. A more subtle form of gluttony, this vice is not merely tolerated in churched today but acclaimed. It has become respectable." Slap in Nikki's face. I have always deemed my thoughts and sin issues in this matter to be mere selfishness. Which, I guess if we look at selfishness and gluttony together we will see they go hand in hand. Being selfish lead me to feel I have the right to demand what "I want".

Another aspect that the author brings up is the "tendency to demand too much from others, thus exasperating them to the point of withdrawal or anger" Having high expectations is fine, but not being unrealistic about it. Once again it hit me hard. Whether it is an outward demand or just in "Nikki's head" I tend to demand things of people. Many times the other person never even knows what demand has been put on them. Of course they then cannot fulfill that demand.

Even with all this, whether it is food, demands we make or addictions change can still happen. God can enable us to make those changes in our behavior. Self-denial is not something that we are accustomed to. I know that a little more of it in my life would be a good thing.