Abbey and Emma threw a party for their friends. They had a good time playing with water and their friends. 22 little girls. Lots of water. Lots of food. Lots of fun!
Last night Emma banged her arm on a slide. She came home and was treating it quite gently, (well, not using it at all). I got her into the doctor this a.m. and 4 hours later we came home with a cast. She has a buckle fracture. It will be at least 4 weeks, but since it is such a bad break it might be 6. We got a waterproof cast so she will still be able to swim and take baths. What a blessing that will be. What an adventure!
Hulsing's whole second grade had a year end bash yesterday. Waterballoons, limbo stick, tie dying, hotdogs, icecream, watermelon, chips, tug of war, bubbles, etc. They had so much fun.
Abbey and her class headed for a local park to have a year end party. They threw waterballoons at Mr. Gold, who became a human target. They had pizza and snacks. What a fun day!